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Running events when events aren’t running, with Ben Corbett

Almost overnight, when the UK went into lockdown in March 2020, every foreseeable event was cancelled or postponed.

Success Through Lockdown

Ben Corbett is the marketing and content manager at F2F events. When the UK went into lockdown, Ben had to pivot F2F’s entire communication strategy as well as their short term business model.

See my interview below to find out what Ben did, and how he got on.

I’ve got plenty to say

View my other articles and opinion pieces below

Socialise: Your ultimate social media handbook, now available on Amazon

We are thrilled to announce that our new book Socialise: Unlock your content, maximise social media engagement and win more work than ever before is now available to order and download on Amazon. Purchase your copy of Socialise here. What is Socialise? Your content isn’t boring. You’re just communicating your content in a boring way. […]